LMU Completion Grant

LMU Munich awards completion grants for outstanding doctoral candidates on the verge of finalizing their thesis, who have no other source of funding for the requested period. The stipend amounts to 1,103 Euro per month.

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The completion grant can be awarded for up to six months, depending on the previous funding of the candidate:

Doctoral candidates who have already received three years of funding for their doctoral project (this includes employments, stipends, or similar) are eligible only in exceptional cases and only for a maximum of three months. Detailed reasons have to be given, why the dissertation wasn't finished in these three years.

Doctoral candidates who have received less than three years of funding for their doctoral project, may apply for up to six months.

Click here for more information.

For inquiries concerning the LMU Completion Grant, please write an email to graduatecenternoSp@m@lmu.de, or call 089/2180-9731.