DINI - Doctoral Researchers Initiative
The DINI is a free association of doctoral researchers. There are no special requirements (except being a doctoral researcher) and no fixed duties. Every member should have the motivation to improve the situation of the doctoral researchers during his or her time of study at Helmholtz Munich. Join us!
We are organising activities of the doctoral researchers´community, connect the Graduate School Office, management and doctoral researchers, e.g. during the speakers convention, and provide information for the doctoral researchers at Helmholtz Munich.
DINI Welcome Team for Doctoral Researchers
Are you new at Helmholtz Munich and need help to settle down with your new life at the Center and also in Munich? If yes, then get in contact with Sophie Elizabeth Smith (VIRO), current member in the DINI Welcome Team.
All new doctoral researchers will receive an introductory email from the DINI Welcome Team once - please do not hesitate to get in touch with them. Moreover, you can always contact the team with questions and help offers - just send an email to DINI Welcome Team.