Doctoral Degree at the University

The Helmholtz Graduate School Environmental Health (HELENA) is a joint initiative for the promotion of graduate students of the Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health, the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) and the Technische Universität München (TUM).

Graduate students at Helmholtz Zentrum München have a three-year working contract and are fully integrated into international research projects. They will usually receive their doctoral degree from one of the Munich universities (LMU or TUM). Strong networking between Helmholtz Zentrum München and the two Munich universities is ensured through joint appointments as well as through joint centers for translational medicine and numerous interdisciplinary research projects.

Doctoral Degree at the TUM

Doctoral Degree at the Faculty of Medicine

In order to receive your Dr. rer. nat. degree from the TUM Faculty of Medicine, you will have to register with the TUM Medical Graduate Center for the Experimental Medicine Program within the first 3 months of your doctoral thesis. If you miss this deadline, registration will not be possible anymore. For further information, additional requirements and to register please visit

Submission Process

In order to submit your thesis, please follow the instructions on the following links:

Submission of Dissertation according to the new TUM Doctoral Regulations for HELENA Graduate Students 

Submission of Dissertation according to the older version of the TUM Doctoral Regulations for HELENA Graduate Students 

Please click here for further information on the submission process.


Doctoral Degree at the LMU

Doctoral Degree at the Faculty of Biology

Please click here for further information.


Please note:

Graduation at the Faculty of Biology requires a personal 'Promotionskomitee'.
This committee consists of 3 members. At least two members need to be habilitated and at least one member needs to be employed full-time at the Faculty of Biology at the LMU.


Doctoral Degree at the Faculty of Medicine

Please click here for further information.