1st Interdisciplinary “Israel-TUM Summer School in the Alps”

How is Machine Learning changing the Life Sciences? In the life sciences, researchers are increasingly leveraging machine learning in their work to drive groundbreaking discoveries that may help improve the health and wellbeing of people.

Source: HMGU

The Interdisciplinary “Israel-TUM Summer School in the Alps” is an annual program comprising themed training together with academic keynotes from academics working in the interdisciplinary area of Machine Learning/Life Sciences and complemented by professional skills training.

The Summer School will be hosted at Spitzingsee from 3 September to 8 September 2017.

When: September 3 – 8, 2017
 Arabella Alpenhotel on Lake Spitzing, 83727 Spitzingsee, Germany
: 20 PhD candidates (10 from selected Israeli partner institutions; 10 from TUM) + up to 10 lecturers (post graduates and professors from both Israel and TUM)
Application Deadline
: 30 June 2017

You can find a detailed description of the program, eligibility criteria, and the application processon the website.