HIDA Grants for doctoral researchers & postdocs

Apply until October 15th for the next call for research stays at other Helmholtz Centers!


Are you a doctoral researcher or Postdoc at one of the 18 Helmholtz Centers and your research has a strong link to the (applied) data and information sciences? Eager to expand your research portfolio and kick of new collaborations with fellow researchers from other fields at another Helmholtz Center? Then apply for a fully-funded short-term research stay (1-3 months) now and help us build an interdisciplinary community of data scientists at Helmholtz! The program is promoted by HIDA, the Helmholtz Information and Data Science Academy.

Next Application Round: 16 August - 15 October, 2023

For more information: https://www.helmholtz-hida.de/en/new-horizons/trainee-network/

The Helmholtz Visiting Researcher Grant enables external PhD candidates and postdocs, whose research has a strong connection to (applied) information or data sciences, to do short, fully funded research stays (1-3 months) at a Helmholtz Center. PhD candidates and Postdocs from (inter-) national research institutions, universities, or enterprises conducting research can apply. The next round of applications takes place from 16 August to the deadline of 15 October 2023.

More information: https://www.helmholtz-hida.de/en/new-horizons/hida-visiting-program/



Call for Applications: HIDA Trainee Network (Helmholtz-wide exchange for data scientists)

Are you a doctoral researcher or Postdoc at one of the 18 Helmholtz Centers and your research has a strong link to the (applied) data and information sciences? Eager to expand your research portfolio and kick of new collaborations with fellow researchers from other fields at another Helmholtz Center? Then apply for a fully-funded short-term research stay (1-3 months) now and help us build an interdisciplinary community of data scientists at Helmholtz! The program is promoted by HIDA, the Helmholtz Information and Data Science Academy.

Next Application Round: 16 August - 15 October, 2023

For more information: https://www.helmholtz-hida.de/en/new-horizons/trainee-network/


Call for Applications: Helmholtz Visiting Researcher Grant

Are you a doctoral researcher or Postdoc and your research has a strong link to the (applied) data and information sciences? The Helmholtz Visiting Researcher Grant offers doctoral students and postdocs the opportunity to do a fully-funded short-term research stay (1 – 3 months) at one of the 18 Helmholtz centers. Applications will be accepted from national or international research organizations, universities or the private sector. The program is promoted by HIDA, the Helmholtz Information and Data Science Academy. Its aim is to enable new research collaborations, to foster knowledge exchange, and to explore new or emerging research topics in the field of information and data sciences. The program addresses researchers in both academia and in industry. It offers researchers the opportunity to get to know the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers.

Next Application Round: 16 August - 15 October, 2023

For more information: https://www.helmholtz-hida.de/en/new-horizons/helmholtz-visiting-researcher-grant/