Postdoc Get Togethers this week!

Join the Afterwork Get Together tomorrow and/or the Munich Postdoc Network Stammtisch on Thursday!

(c) Canva

Afterwork Get Together for all Postdocs at the Doktorandencafe
March 14th 2023, 5.00 pm. at the Doktorandencafe

The Helmholtz Munich Postdoc Association and the Postdoc Center want to introduce a new format to bring postdocs together in a relaxed atmosphere without any agenda. Join us on March 14th from 5 pm. at the Doktorandencafe for an Afterwork Get Together (in the library building in Neuherberg). We will not provide catering for the event, so we kindly ask everyone to bring their own drinks – or to get a coffee and cold drink from the vending machine.

Munich Postdoc Network 
March 16th 2023, 5.00 pm.: Next Stammtisch organized by the Munich Postdoc Network

Connect with other postdocs in Munich! Join the Stammtisch at the MPI of Psychiatry (close to Scheidplatz) & an informal get-together afterwards. Register via Eveeno.