Registration open: <interact> 2023

March 30-31, 2023, Biomedical Center - LMU Munich

<interact> is a unique international scientific conference organized by PhD candidates for early career scientists - PhD candidates and PostDocs! Our aim is to bring together highly dedicated young life sciences researchers from the Munich area and wider. This year's conference focuses on translational science! Listen to talks from fantastic keynote speakers ranging from epigenetics to CRISPR therapeutics and Neuroscience to scientific communications. There will also be the chance to present your own work with poster sessions and student talks, as well as the chance to participate in a variety of workshops such as how to build your own startup!

For more details as the conference approaches, please visit

To keep up-to-date with all the latest announcements and to be the first to know when tickets are on sale, sign up to our mailing list here:
Registration will be open from January. So, save money and get an early bird ticket until January 31st (30 €)!