At the info event of the TUM Graduate School on November 23, 2022, everything will revolve around an exciting career option that many doctoral candidates may not have considered yet: A professorship at a University of Applied Sciences (UAS). Learn more about the job profile and receive practical information and advice for the application process. Among other things, the info event will cover differences between the university system and the changing UAS landscape, as well as the requirements profile of a professorship at an UAS.
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Schmidtner from the Ingolstadt University of Technology will give her personal insights into the everyday life of an UAS professor and her path to becoming one. Following the presentations, there will be plenty of time for questions and networking. The event will be held in German and takes place on November 23, 5:00-7:00 p.m. on the premises of the TUM Graduate School, Campus Garching. Register via DocGS or (for non-doctoral candidates) via email. The info event is part of the "Attract2HM" project, which specifically promotes the qualification of doctoral candidates who aspire to a UAS professorship. For more information on the project, please visit our website.
If you are unable to join the in-person event, you can also join the Postdoc101 Talk on 9 November 2022 4-6 pm: "Professur an einer Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften als Karriereoption" (in German). Please register for this talk via the TUM Talent Factory website.