Pint of Science

Looking for enthusiastic scientists, capable of delivering engaging presentations in a language accessible to a broad audience. Interested?

Pint of Science, a yearly public engagement event that brings science research to bars and pubs.

This year's Pint of Science takes place on 09-11 May 2022, and each daily event will be dedicated to a different science theme. All talks are likely to be in English.

Pint of Science are always well-visited and usually sold out. In the years 2020 and 2021 the events were held online; this time it is planned to have them live again!

At this stage the team is only looking for interested speakers and recommendations. A certificate of attendance is issued upon request. If you would like to participate as a speaker or if you know someone whose research area is relevant and exciting for a wide and diverse public, the Pint of Science team would be happy to hear about it. 

The contact email is: