Peer-To-Peer Series

We are looking for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to collect ideas and making a concept around such a Peer-To-Peer Series. Join us!

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


The Scientific Education and Training Team would like to organize a Peer-To-Peer Series. The initial idea is to have doctoral and postdoctoral researchers present their methods/expertise to other doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in an informal and casual way. The end goal is to foster networking, possible collaboration, widen your horizon, and of course to have fun. Since this is by now just an idea, we are looking for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to collect more ideas and making a concept around such a Peer-To-Peer Series.

If you are interested then please enter your name until 13th December by clicking on the following Link:


Best wishes,

Your Scientific Education and Training Team