Branco Weiss Fellowships

Funding for unusual postdoctoral projects in all areas of the natural and social sciences and engineering.


The Branco Weiss Fellowship is open for applications until January 15, 2022. The fellowship offers an opportunity for postdocs in all areas of the natural and social sciences and engineering who have conceived an original and independent research idea that falls outside the scope of large-scale research projects. Fellows are encouraged to choose the best possible location for their research, anywhere in the world. They will receive support for up to five years. A Branco Weiss Fellowship comes to CHF 100,000 per year. It may be used to cover all legitimate costs of research (i.e. salary and/or equipment, travel expenses, consumables, personnel, etc.). The fellows decide for themselves how the financial resources will be allocated – for their own salary, for staff, for equipment or for a combination of these.

Eligible for the 2022 intake are researchers who:

- Officially hold a PhD on January 15, 2022

- Have obtained their PhD a maximum of five years prior to January 15, 2022 (exceptions from this rule can be made for parental leave – max. one year per child – and/or inability to work due to illness or accident; applicants must explain their reasons for applying for an extension and provide the relevant documents, then the number of weeks that the research work was interrupted will be accepted as an extension)

- Do not hold/have not held a faculty-equivalent position (e.g. assistant professor or lecturer)

- Pursue projects that depart from the mainstream of research in their discipline

It is possible to re-apply in future when a project was not chosen.

The first two years of a project are called the pioneer phase. At the end of the pioneer phase, a review and a site visit will be conducted. At this point, the project, its continued originality, and the productivity of the fellow will be evaluated. If the results of the evaluation and site visit are satisfactory, the fellow enters the exploitation phase for the remaining three years of the fellowship.

Branco Weiss Fellows are encouraged to seek faculty positions during their exploitation phase. Assuming an academic position will not result in termination of the fellowship.

For additional information, please visit (also source of information).