We are pleased to announcement H^3 Helmholtz Herbst Hackathon.
Digital Earth, the Jülich Challenges, the Jülich Helmholtz AI Consultant Team, Helmholtz Information & Data Science School (HIDSS) and Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy (HIDA) will host a hackathon from September 8-12 at a conference hotel in Gummersbach.
PhD students and PostDocs from all Helmholtz Centers and Programs are welcome to apply.
The event includes
- a keynote by Ira Assent on “Data Science - concepts and methods to learn in a digital world”
- a keynote by Ribana Roscher on “Generative Models for Smart Agriculture”
- an introduction of the platform Jülich Challenges
- an introduction to running ML models on Jülich’s’ HPC systems
- compute resources through HAICORE
As a participant you will
- pick a challenge you'd like to work on
- form teams for collaborative coding, ideally mixed between different research domains and Helmholtz centers or partner institutions, to provide a solution to the challenge
- submit your solution to top the leaderboard
- present your own research project in a poster
Please find all Details here: https://www.helmholtz-hida.de/en/activities/events/details/h3-helmholtz-herbst-hackathon/
Many greetings from Organziers
Daniela, Enno, Ramona, Sophie
Stefan, Susanne