IGSTC Industrial Fellowship programme

The Fellowships would support young Indian PhD students and Post-Doctoral researchers in Science & Engineering. Application deadline October 29, 2021.
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Indo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC) was established as a flagship initiative of Government of India, Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Government of Germany, (Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) to foster and promote research partnership of industrial relevance and innovation through Indo-German R&D networking including industrial research partnership in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mode. It is equally co-funded by Indian and German Governments. The center’s focus is to advance industrial research partnership with mutuality of interest and respect, develop knowledge networks for industrial sectors to enhance competitiveness, establish joint knowledge pools to address global challenges and to serve as a nerve centre to promote Indo-German technology partnership.

IGSTC has announced an Industrial Fellowship programme towards Industrial exposure in Germany for young Indian researchers. The Fellowships will provide an opportunity to young researchers from India to work with German industries/ industrial R&D ecosystem leading to value added product development, innovation and in enhancing applied research. 

The Fellowships would support young Indian PhD students and Post-Doctoral researchers in Science & Engineering.  
