“Get your paper published: The 5 mistakes to avoid”

January 18 & 27, 2022 at 10 am (CET). Register now!

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We have the pleasure to announce a free webinar for researchers entitled  “Get your paper published: The 5 mistakes to avoid” held on 18 January and 27 January at 10 am (CET). 

In the one-hour live webinar, participants will learn:

  1. The key mistakes that cause papers to fail
  2. How to avoid these mistakes
  3. How your working patterns influence paper success
  4. How you can become a successful author

At the end, we’ll offer a Q&A session for anyone with questions. 

All types of authors will find the webinar inspiring and useful! Those who haven’t published can avoid difficulties, and those who are more experienced in writing get inspiration and motivation to keep going - and change a few things!

The webinar is presented by Gunther Tress (PhD), former journal editor and recent research career advisor, who has taught paper-writing to thousands of researchers over the last decade. He will also provide insights into his current online paper-writing programme, Paper Writing Academy, and how it can help to write and publish papers successfully. 

Registration is open at https://tressacademic.mykajabi.com/pwa-webinar-registration.

Thanks & best wishes,