Dear Doctoral Researchers,
We are pleased to inform you that following the last edition held in 2019 in München (Germany) a new edition of our Summer School on soil microbial communities will be held at the LIEC laboratory from August 23rd to 31st in Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy (France).
This summer school is supported by the Université Franco-Allemande, the Université de Lorraine and OteLo, and is devoted to :
« Interdisciplinary study of anthropized soil microbial communities and their interactions with plants » .
The aim of the school is to present and discuss hot topics of microbial ecology and microbial ecotoxicology of anthropized soils impacted by various industrial or agriculturalpollutants, by soil management practices and by global climate change. The morning lectures (see the attached pre-program) will present many examples of recent researches on soil microbial diversity and functions with relation to various pollutants (nanoparticles, heavy metals, rare earth elements, hydrocarbons and pesticides) and stresses (drought, CO2 variations, temperature). A focus will be made on interactions with plants, the ecology and diversity of endophytic and rhizospheric bacterial and fungal communities, present in different soil types, will be presented. Lectures will illustrate the importance of microbial functions in the characterization, conservation, restoration and remediation of anthropised soils.
New findings and major methodological, experimental and analytical developments in the field of molecular ecology and microbiology research will be presented. The afternoon practical sessions (see the attached pre-program) will focus on the use of interdisciplinary tools (molecular biology tools, enzymatic activities measurements, use of pollutant microbial biosensors, flux cytometry and microspectroscopic analysis, meta-OMICs data bioinformatic analyses) to analyse microbial communities of soil or plant samples. One day will be devoted to visits of experimental and field sites (industrial wasteland, experimental site with remediation plots and lysimeter devices).
If the health situation remains stable and improves, the summer school will take place face-to-face, all health measures will be respected, and that is why the number of participants is limited to 12 persons.
This summer school is dedicated to PhD students and Post-doctoral young researchers, with research topics related to microbial ecology and ecotoxicology.
This summer school is entirely free of charge, only the cost of transport to reach us and accommodation on site will be at your expense.
For more details go to : and follow the links!
Please see our preliminary program below.
Deadline for application is June 4th 2021.
Send the application form (below) to Aurélie Cébron ( and Thierry Beguiristain (
Feel free to transfert this announcement to your colleagues.
Best wishes
Aurélie Cébron
Aurélie Cébron
Chargée de Recherche CNRS
LIEC - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Environnements Continentaux
UMR7360 CNRS-Université de Lorraine
Faculté des Sciences et Technologies, entrée 1B, 7ème étage
Bd des Aiguillettes, BP70239
54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy
Tel: (+33) 3 72 74 52 15
Portable: (+33) 6 81 42 52 19