Joachim Herz Foundation

Add-on Fellowships for Interdisciplinary Life Science. Application deadline is June 9, 2021.


The Joachim Herz Foundation's Add-On Fellowships for Interdisciplinary Life Science supports doctoral candidates and postdocs from various disciplines who work on research questions in the field of life sciences.

Up to 40 fellows are funded for two years with a total amount of up to 12 500 euros each. The funding is intended to help to gain in-depth insight into related disciplines and methods and can be flexible. They can be used for conference visits, research trips, further training and technical equipment. Fellows with children can apply for additional funding of 3 000 euros to help them combine work and family life.

Doctoral candidates (f / m / d) and postdocs who are employed at a German university or research institution or whose research is funded elsewhere (e.g. through a full scholarship) can apply.

The application deadline is June 9, 2021.

You can find more information about the program and the call for applications at