Dear Doctoral Researchers,
If you would like to submit your dissertation at TUM, please follow the instruction below.
Please fill out the Confirmation of Discussion of the Research Project in an International Expert Community form and upload it to your DocGS account in your "Progress Tree" → Qualification Program and Data Confirmation → TUM GS Training Program → Publications.
Please note that you also need to upload your documents from your Thesis Committee meetings in your "Progress Tree" → Qualification Program and Data Confirmation → TUM GS Training Program → Feedback session. Under "Upload report of feedback session" you should upload the documents from the first TC meeting and under "Upload updated supervision agreement" you should upload your files from the second or third TC meeting.
After you have successfully uploaded the above documents, please inform the HELENA GSO via E-mail. We will then upload the confirmation of your qualification program under the tab "Subject-Specific Courses" and the TUM-GS Team will verify the documents.
If there are internal/external courses you need to submit then please use this excel sheet template. Send it to HELENA together with agendas and confirmations of participation for external courses.
For the confirmation of internal courses please collect your supervisor’s signature either electronically on the excel sheet or print the document, get it signed and send it to us as PDF. Please always attach the original excel sheet.
Your HELENA Team