Optimization of the HELENA Scientific Training Program

Changes in the HELENA Scientific Training Program.

Dear Doctoral Researcher,

We would like to inform you about changes in the HELENA Scientific Training Program.

  1. As we have launched this year our new focus program for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers (https://scientific-training.helmholtz-muenchen.de), we have decided to cancel the mandatory translational medicine seminar series. Of course, we will continue to offer you high quality scientific talks and you are very welcome to contact us for speaker or topic suggestions or if you would like to organize a scientific talk or training.
  2. The remaining mandatory elements from the year 2021 onwards are
    • HELENA Orientation Days
    • Statistics and Reproducibility (only for graduate students who received a working contract from 01.01.2019 onwards)
    • Kick-off seminar TUM or HELENA Mid-Term Booster LMU (depending on which university is responsible for your doctoral degree)
  3. The Credit Point System the “HELENA Equivalents (HE)” will be replaced by working hours, corresponding to the respective workload of the training element. You will receive the HELENA certificate if you fulfill the HELENA Training Program 
    • Mandatory elements (as mentioned above)
    • Scientific Training – 270 hours (additional 10 hours correspond to the work load of the former Translational Medicine Seminar Series)
    • Professional Skills – 40 hours

We are very much looking forward to providing the best possible scientific training program for you. Please let us know, if you find something missing or if you would like to give us suggestions for speakers, topics or additional training elements. We are also always open, if you would like to support us in organizing talks or training elements yourself.

Your HELENA Team