Dissertationprize Pneumology

Apply now - deadline 15. December 2020

© lungenstiftung.de

Deutsche Lungenstiftung e.V. will award the "Disserationspreis Pneumologie" for the promotion of young scientists at the annual conference of the German Society of Pneumology and Respiratory Medicine in Leipzig in 2021. The prize is accompanied by an invitation to give a lecture at the 61st Annual Conference of the DGP from June 02 - 05, 2021.

The prize is awarded by Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG for the best clinical and the best experimental dissertation in the field of pneumology. The endowment amounts to 3,000 Euro each.

Applicants must not have exceeded the age of 35 at the end of their doctoral procedure and the scientific basis for the thesis must have been developed in Germany. The thesis must be written in German, unless the applicable doctoral regulations explicitly provide for achievements worthy of a doctorate in another language, in which case a summary in German must be submitted. The doctoral procedure must be completed.

The application must be submitted by December 15, 2020 (date of postmark).

Further information can be found here (only in German): https://lungenstiftung.de/aktivitaeten/dissertationspreis-pneumologie