HELENA Supervision Agreement

Dear doctoral students,

We would like to draw your attention to when a new supervision agreement needs to be submitted.

Please send us a new HELENA Supervision Agreement to inform us, if you:

  1. Change to another University and thus get another University adviser
  2. Change the Institute and/or get another supervisor at HMGU
  3. Change from HELENA to another Graduate School and fulfill the qualification program there

A scan of the supervision agreement has to be send to the HELENA graduate student office (gso-sprnoSp@m@helmholtz-helena.de) and the original to your responsible person in the human resources department.

Doctoral students with a guest contract can keep their originals and just send us the scan (as a PDF).

If your titel or faculty changes, you can simply send us a short e-mail and we inform the HR department.

To get the form, please click here:
HELENA Supervision Agreement

Thank you in advance!


Your HELENA-Team