How to explain anything to anyone: 4 steps to clearer communication by Jake Amorelli

You’ve probably seen people’s eyes glaze over when you were talking about a complex topic, and you’ve done the same thing yourself. But that doesn’t mean some things are just too confusing to convey. Physicist Dominic Walliman tells you how to share what you know in a way that will land with others.


“Have you ever had this experience?” asks physicist Dominic Walliman in a TEDxEastVan Talk. “You’re having a chat with someone, and they’re telling you something about a subject they’re very interested in or they know a lot about, and you’re following along. Then, at some stage you realize you kind of lost the thread of what they’re saying … You realize you have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about.”

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Jake Amorelli is the communications coordinator for TEDx.