Invitation to Data Analysis Café, March 17 and April 23, 2020

The Core Facility Statistical Consulting and the Bioinformatics Core Facility invite to the joint “Data Analysis Café” on Tuesday, March 17, from 4:15 pm to 5:15 pm and on Thursday, April 23, 2020, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, in room 121, building 58a.

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The Data Analysis Café is an open door meeting where you can get prompt statistical and bioinformatics advice regarding statistical problems, programming and working with multi-omics data. All employees from Helmholtz Zentrum München are welcome to participate, in particular PhD students.

The Data Analysis Café provides the opportunity to meet experienced statisticians and bioinformaticians, but also other researchers, to discuss concrete statistical/experimental data related questions. Please bring your laptop with your data/program code. This offer is free of charge. Please take into account that depending upon demand we may only have short time to work on your problem and that we cannot guarantee confidentiality within this framework.

You can get more information here:

The Core Facility Statistical Consulting and the Bioinformatics Core Facility are looking forward to your participation!