REMINDER <interact> 2020

Register now!








Dear #breakingbarriers fellows,


New year brings to you a new edition of <interact>


<interact> is a biannual scientific conference organised by PhD candidates for early career scientists - PhD candidates and PostDocs, bringing together highly dedicated young life sciences researchers in Munich area and wider. Founded in 2007, <interact> offers an inspiring and supportive atmosphere for networking, presenting research projects, exchange ideas, finding collaboration partners and exploring  future career options in academia and industry.

This year, <interact> is taking place on 27th & 28th of February at the Biomedical Center Munich (BMC), located at the biotech campus Martinsried/Großhadern, Munich. 


Our keynote speakers will share with us their research and experiences as scientists in academia and industry:

  • Tak Wah Mak (Immunology, Cancer research | University of Toronto, Canada)
  • Maria Carmo-Fonseca (Splicing RNA Biology | University of Lisbon, Portugal)
  • Morgan Beeby (Structural biology | Imperial College, London, UK)
  • Karim el Kasmi (Transition to industry | Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany)

In addition to keynote lectures, your talks and poster sessions, career fair and <interact>ive session, we will have panel discussion focusing on #breakingbarriers we encounter as early stage researchers, moderated by Children of Doom.

Don’t miss a chance to present your research with a talk or a poster in a welcoming scientific atmosphere, <interact> with fellow PhD candidates and PostDocs, engage in lively discussions and mingle with our industry partners during career fair. 

Do you need a little extra motivation to register? How about winning a prize for the best talk or poster? 
To view the poster and to register, please clickhere or visit:

If you wish to present your work, you can upload your abstract during registration or send us an email with a .pdf file to with your name and the title in the file name included (until 10th of February).

Save the date and join the #breakingbarriers in science!


REGISTER NOW and find more information on: