Since the foundation of the Postdoc Association in October 2018, the members worked on improving networking amongst each other, peer support and improving the postdoc experience at the center.
A Welcome Team, which is led by Maike Groenewold and Jimmy Omony, greets new postdocs at the Center and provides crucial information. Regular Meet & Mingle events provide a platform for networking and socializing amongst postdocs while learning about different career paths. A highlight of 2019 was the Postdoc Day, which consisted of several inspiring talks, workshops, a panel discussion and a Science Slam. It was concluded with a wonderful rooftop BBQ.
The Postdoc Association is always welcoming new members, who want to be a part of this initiative to improve postdoc life at the HMGU. If you are interested in joining, please contact Maike Groenewold ( or, even easier: Join us for free pizza and drinks at the next Meet & Mingle on November 14th at 4:45 pm in room 041 at the HDC.