The award is combined with an award certificate and prize money of 2,000 euros and will be awarded during the Division conference "Biochemistry 2022", which will take place from June 29 to July 1, 2022, in Münster.
The prize winner is invited to present the award-winning work in a short lecture. The Division bears the costs of participating in the conference. A Division Board committee appointed by the specialist group board decides on the award of the prize. The prize can also be shared.
Nominations can be made by the scientific supervisor, but applications are also possible. The scientific publication must have been published or accepted by the journal between January 1 and December 31, 2021. The dissertation must have been completed in 2021.
Proposals should encompass a brief statement of the scientific supervision, the nominee's curriculum vitae (including contact information) and the scientific work itself.
How to apply:
Please send your suggestions in electronic form and summarized in a PDF file to the GDCh Office for the attention of Maike Fries
For further information please click here.