Panel discussion: Career Path? Career Chances!

September 30, 2019, 01:30 – 03:00 pm Register now!









Date: Monday, 30th of September 2019, 13:30 – 15:00 pm

Location: Building 31 / Seminar Room 003

Registration: For organizational reasons, please register here


On Monday 30th of September, the HMGU Career Center for Postdocs and Doctoral Students invites you for the panel discussion: Career Path? Career Chances!



Guest speakers with different career backgrounds, such as patent attorney, customer support manager and project manager, will give you insights into their job fields and work experiences and will be glad to discuss with you your questions and career path options.

Dr. Michaela Elbel is a partner at the patent law firm Pateris. Her scientific background is in virology. Her years of experience in the patent law field will make it possible to give you an overview over this field and how it is to work in this job (Job Profile: Patent Attorney).

Dr. Lisa Steinhauser is working for Shodex, a supplier of chromatography columns. She has worked at four different companies ranging from pharma to food analytics and from niche player to multinational (Job Profile: Technical Sales & Customer Support Manager).

Laura Kühn is project manager at the Chemiecluster Bayern. This job gives her an excellent overview over the breadth of life science/ chemistry companies in Bavaria (Job Profile: Project Manager)