Most chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular, respiratory and neurodegenerative diseases as well as chronic infections increase in incidence with age. This indicates common age-related mechanisms acting jointly. Due to increasing life expectancy throughout the world, those age-related diseases are emerging as a growing challenge for patients, doctors, the healthcare system and society as a whole. Among other things, the AMPro consortium is seeking out new preventive and therapeutic approaches that have a positive effect on metabolic processes. This should enable the innovative and consistent treatment of age-related diseases.
We would like to encourage PhD students interested in Aging and Metabolized Reprogramming to join our Summer School 2019.
The summer school will cover topics on metabolic pre- and reprogramming, inter-organ signaling, and stem cell function and tissue maintenance.
In addition to keynote lectures and a career symposium, the AMPro Summer School gives young scientist the opportunity to present their results to leading scientists in the field of aging and metabolized programming.
For additional information, please click here.
For registration, please click here.