TUM-University of Alberta Joint Supervision Program
Apply now for the Research@UofAlberta Grant and build global research networks
We are happy to announce the start of our joint supervision program with the University of Alberta. As highly ranked institutions, and research partners, the program aims to strengthen research linkages and provide opportunities for doctoral candidates from each university to extend and enhance their doctoral research work.
Participating candidates will have at least one supervisor at each institution from the start of their doctoral project. Both supervisors will be jointly responsible for the progress of the doctoral degree work as well as the thesis supervision and examination. After successful graduation, TUM doctoral candidates will be awarded with the respective TUM doctoral degree. However, TUM will issue a special TUM doctoral diploma mentioning the TUM-UofAlberta joint supervision program, as well as the co-supervisor from UofAlberta.
Outgoing doctoral candidates from TUM may apply now for the Research@UofAlberta Grant in addition to the regular TUM-GS internationalization support!
Interested? Explore our website to learn more about the TUM-University of Alberta Joint Supervision Program!
Data Confirmation in DocGS
Data confirmation (Rückmeldung) in DocGS will start on the 1st of July
This year the data confirmation will start earlier than in the previous years. With the beginning of Julyyou can start to confirm your data in DocGS. You will find the required form "Mitgliedschaft 2019" in your progress tree (click on the button "My Progress" on rights side of the menu).
You have three months to complete the data confirmation. Please note that in order to successfully complete your data confirmation, your data also needs to be confirmed by your supervisor – therefore, we advise you to confirm your data as soon as possible.
Your Rights under the German Taxation Law
Meet the Expert
With our introduction to the German tax system, we want to help you to gain a better understanding of its depths and discover how you can use it to your advantage.
Come and meet tax expert Johannes Stetten from Lohnsteuerhilfe e.V., who will be informing you on e.g.
· the conditions under which international researchers and their families may be exempted from paying taxes in Germany
· the types of returnable taxes and
· how to file those
The talk is held in English and will be finished with a Q&A session. You are welcome to let us know your questions or topics of interest inadvance.
The Welcome Services team of TUM International Center and TUM Graduate School invite all international researchers to join the event. Please register by July 3, 2019 via email to welcomeservices@zv.tum.de. Please state your full name, affiliation/institution, nationality, and the duration of your stay.
Summer Party
of TUM Graduate School and TUM International Center Welcome Services
Following last year’s success, we are looking forward to celebrating another fun after-work party with you on July 17! Therefore, we would like to invite you to one of the most beautiful beer gardens in Munich, and enjoy an evening full of sun, good food, and nice conversation.
In traditional Bavarian beer gardens it is custom to bring your own food and only buy drinks from the innkeeper. To turn our get-together into an international buffet, we would kindly like to ask you to bring one of your favorite dishes from your home country.
Where: Biergarten Hofbräukeller am Wiener Platz in München-Haidhausen
When: July 17, 2019 (in case of rain July 24), 6–9 p.m.
Let us know if you want to join and who you’re bringing with you – as always, friends and family members are welcome too! Please RSVP via email to binders@zv.tum.de by July 12, 2019.
In case of heavy rain on July 17, we will postpone our party to the following Wednesday, July 24.
TUM Graduate Council
Among the participants of this year’s TUM Campuslauf was also a team representing the TUM Graduate Council. They achieved the 3rd place in the TUMlinge Challenge and joined the GARNIX doctoral candidates regulars’ table directly afterwards to celebrate.
Two days later, on the evening of June 7, the yearly networking event TUMblue, organized by the Graduate Council, took place. Also this year several hundred doctoral candidates could enjoy food, drinks and live music in the Audimax-Foyer, socialize with their colleagues and exchange views on the various aspects of the life as a doctoral candidate.
In the subsequent week on June 12, the Graduate Council held its 61st meeting. The main topic of this meeting was the progress of the GC working group dealing with the doctoral regulations at TUM. In an extensive discussion, which led to a meeting of possibly record-breaking length, a variety of suggestions for possible changes to the current doctoral regulations were presented and refined. These suggestions had previously been developed in communication with different stakeholders at TUM.
If you would like to learn more about the Graduate Council, have a look at their new website or follow them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!
Cultural Program for Doctoral Candidates
Kocherlball at the Chinese Tower
Back in the 19th century, when Munich’s upper class was still asleep, the servants would get up early on Sunday mornings to meet up in the English Garden and dance around the Chinese Tower. Thirty years ago this tradition was revived and attracts nowadays more than 10,000 visitors every year. Like in the old days, we will meet (ideally dressed in traditional costumes) well before sunrise and dance together into the day.
When: Sunday, July 21st
Time: 5 a.m.
Fee: EUR 5.00
Please contact Stefanie Binder for registration. Find out more about our cultural program, as well as further information on the registration procedure, participation fee and our terms and conditions on our website.
EuroTech Summer School on Open Science
Sign up now – registration closes on Monday, July 1
This summer school is for anyone interested in learning more about what academic research will look like in the future. The organizers want to bring together established scientists and early career researchers to provide a stimulating, yet friendly, learning environment. No preliminary knowledge of open science is required!
The course will take place over five days, with a large part of the program dedicated to workshops and tutorials. Instructors will present their experience and expertise on how you can adopt open science tools and best practice to your research more efficient, reproducible, visible and impactful.
The Summer School ‘Open Science in Practice’ will take place in Lausanne, Switzerland, on 2-6 September 2019. The programme is organised by and for doctoral students and early career researchers, with generous support from the EuroTech Universities alliance.
You will find the full program and more information here.
Medientraining für Wissenschaftler
Seminar der Bayerischen Akademie der Presse
Wissenschaftler dürfen sich nicht im Labor oder Archiv verkriechen. Wer spannende Themen erforscht, sollte sie auch in der Öffentlichkeit präsentieren. Die Bayerische Akademie der Presse zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie vor Kamera und Mikrophon auftreten, ohne unseriös zu erscheinen. Wer selbstbewusst und zielgruppengerecht kommuniziert, findet nicht nur unter Fachkollegen Anerkennung, sondern auch im Laienpublikum. Und hat am Ende auch im Kampf um Fördergelder bessere Chancen.
Das erwartet Sie
· So bauen Sie Medienkontakte auf
· Umgang mit Journalisten: Hintergrundgespräche, Interviews, Pressekonferenzen
· Welche Inhalte interessieren Journalisten?
· So werden abstrakte Informationen anschaulich
· Interviewtraining: Video-Übung mit Feedback
· Souveränes Auftreten und Körpersprache
Das können Sie nach dem Seminar
Sie kommunizieren selbstbewusster und erfolgreicher mit Medienvertretern. Sie verstehen die Bedürfnisse der Öffentlichkeit, wissen aber auch, wie Sie Ihr Anliegen exakt und zugleich verständlich vertreten.
Wann: 06-09.-07-09.2019
Ort: München
Preis: 320€
With kind regards,
Your TUM-GS Management Office Team