Deutscher Studienpreis - Körber Stiftung

Deadline for online submission of all necessary documents is March 1, 2022.


The Deutsche Studienpreis of the Körber Stiftung is awarded annually to the best German Doctoral Students across all academic disciplines. Besides scientific excellence, it honors especially the societal meaning – not limited to economic exploitability - of the respective research results. Thereby young scientists shall be encouraged to emphasize the societal importance of their work and to discuss it publicly.

Applicants must have finalized their PhD thesis rated magna or summa com laude during the year 2021 (date of oral examination). Core of the award application is an essay (in German) which – in an exciting and easily understandable style – shall describe the central results of the thesis and its societal relevance.

Finalists selected are expected to give a talk to and discuss the content of their thesis with the award jury during a public meeting.

Winners of the Deutsche Studienpreis (1st rank 25.000 €) which is under the patronage of the Präsident des Deutschen Bundestags will be presented the award by the Deutsche Bundespräsident.

Deadline for on-line submission of all necessary documents is the 1st of March 2022. More info about the application process and the judging procedure (German only) can be found here: