Dear All,
You are cordially invited to attend the upcoming career seminar, organized by RS2.
November 30, 2018
3-5 pm
Bldg. 31 / 003, Neuherberg
Academia, industry, administration – which path will you take after your doctoral thesis?
RS2 Alumni are telling their personal stories about their career paths following graduation.
Mayur Bakshi: PostDoc at Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik TUM, Munich
Michael Discher: Senior Scientist at Universität Salzburg, Austria
Yashodhara Ingawale: Healthcare Strategy Consultant at Executive Insight, Zurich, Switzerland
Stefan Kempf: Team leader at CSL Behring Marburg, Germany
Lisa Mutschelknaus: Project manager, Translational and Clinical Projects, Helmholtz Zentrum München
Alexandra Kamp, Tanja Rosentreter, Sebastian Trinkl: Scientists at Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Munich
Take the chance to meet with them, listen their presentations and get your questions regarding different career options answered in a panel discussion, which will be chaired by Hugo de las Heras Gala (BfS). If you already have questions to the speakers in mind that you think should be addressed during the seminar, please send them to me in due time. We will then include the questions into the panel discussion.
Get-together with Pre-Christmas goodies following the seminar.
Everyone is welcome, not only RS2 students!
Best regards,
Corinna Loës
To view the poster, please click here.