On a regular basis theLaborjournal ranks the individual life science disciplines. Plant sciences were evaluated in the June issue, with outstanding confirmation of the work in the Plant Genome and Systems Biology Research Unit. With Klaus Mayer, the head of the group, ranked 2nd, Manuel Spannagl at 6th position, and Heidrun Gundlach at 7th, PGSB has the most highly-cited authors from any research group anywhere in the German-speaking region. Matthias Pfeifer, a former PGSB and HMGU PhD student, was ranked 31st. “An outstanding ranking and distinction for the former PhD student that also underpins the quality of our HELENA graduate school PhD candidates,” Mayer states.
During the evaluation period the HMGU quartet were cited more than 12,000 times. Four of the five listed scientists from the Munich area thus are based at HMGU. Along with colleagues from the partnering Jülich Research Center they form a “greendream” team. “Proof of the success of our long-term strategy and a strong fundament for upcoming evaluations,” Mayer assesses.
The PGSB group focuses on the analysis and systems biology of plant genomes. The interest and the work has a particular research focus towards cereals, such as wheat, barley and rye. The group has a lead in a number of international research consortia and works towards developing an understanding of the reference genomes, as well as the allelic variants and evolutionary and systemic aspects of these genomes. Medium and long-term goals are to contribute to future breeding with impact on e.g. yield increase and adaptation to, for example, climate changes.