Aliona Harten

I started my doctoral thesis at the Institute of Experimental Genetics in September 2021. In addition to my work in the lab, I also wanted to be part of the doctoral network, meet interesting people and help improve our life at the center. Therefore, I joined the doctoral initiative (DINI) almost immediately after having started here and since then I organize the DINI social events once a month. Thus, I am in constant exchange with other DINI members and Helena Doctoral Researchers in order to learn how to best improve our PhD experience – be it through courses, events, deadlines, or parties – and engage myself in their organization.Having started my thesis during the pandemic, I fully realize how tough it can be to meet new people and make yourself at home in a new city and at a new center. My intent is to use my experience chairing student initiatives during my previous studies in Heidelberg and Zurich in order to represent all of us in the meetings with the work council to make sure we have fair and equal opportunities at the center and in meetings with HELENA to brainstorm about fun events and opportunities for you.