>Fatma Uzbas visited the 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
Fatma Uzbas visited the 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
The 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting was dedicated to physiology and medicine, during which 39 laureates and 600 young scientists from 84 countries all over the world came together from 24-29 June 2018. I was initially nominated by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and then selected by the Lindau Council to attend the meeting. It was an unforgettable week full of exchange not only between countries and cultures, but also between generations, via seminars and meetings of diverse formats. I had the chance to listen laureates as they talked about their research or current problems in science, concerning scientists and the whole society. Big minds are natural philosophers, too; therefore, hearing their ideas distilled from years of experience was a unique training. I had the honor to meet several laureates in person, including Professors Walter Gilbert, Martin Chalfie, and Harald zur Hausen. Furthermore, I was very lucky to be able to build friendships and exchange ideas with other young scientists, the brightest minds of their countries, and potential pioneers of the future scientific world. As I learned more about laureates’ lives and career stories, the most noticeable overlap was hard-working and perseverance. Another important take home message was to keep skepticism, even with our own findings, and to not overlook any data. Sometimes, accidental observations might be the most important ones. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience with lifelong inspirations to meet the contemporary representatives of the great minds that shape course of the history of humanity. Made me feel heartfully glad to have chosen to be a scientist and motivated me once more to do my best to serve humanity.
Fatma Uzbas and the Nobel Laureate Prof. W. Gilbert at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting