Author Workshop - Anthony Newman, Senior Publisher with Elsevier

How to write a Great Research Paper and get it accepted by a Good Journal!

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Date: 11.06.2018
Time: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Place: Neuherberg, Building 25, seminar room 001


How to write a Great Research Paper and get it accepted by a Good Journal!

It is not enough to do good research – researchers must also communicate their results – or all your work was for nothing.


Knowing how editors and reviewers think and what they expect puts you on the right path.

Structuring your paper in the expected way and submitting it to the most appropriate journal increases your chances of acceptance.

Developing the skill of responding to referees and editors comments in the correct way, plus other tips and tricks should mean you are author of one of the 30% accepted papers, not one of the 70% rejected papers!


With these insights and skills you will be better able to be a successful researcher, publishing skilfully written papers where you want, now and in the future


The workshop is open for everybody! Please click here to register by June 8th.


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