< interact > 2018 Symposium in Munich - the biggest European PhD Science Symposium!

©< interact >Munich

Join the 10th <interact> 2018 Munich PhD symposium!

<interact> Munich is an annual life science symposium organized by PhD students, where future young scientists (YOU) can present their own work! This symposium will not only promote the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas, but it will also allow discussions of your own work with your new colleagues and provide networking for your bright future career!

  1. Meet companies and representatives of different career paths (including Roche, McKinsey or Charles River)!
  2. See exciting keynote lectures of TOP people from science - David Rubinzstein, Chuan He, Karsten Rippe and Stuart Firestein...
  3. Join the panel discussion "the future of science" - interact with the guests & speakers
  4. Win prizes like cameras or tablets!

Date of the event: 22nd & 23rd March 2018

Registration deadline: 23rd February 2018

Abstract submission: 31st January 2018

Please click here for registration!